Friday, January 16, 2009


OK, feel much better now. Got the call from the wife that everyone made it safe and sound to Chile. Haven't had a lot of time to talk with her, but at least the worry can go away.

I spoke again with her on Skype this morning. Heard Nate running around the house with his 3 new best friends. Maria said he's trying to speak some Spanish, so I think all signs are pointing to him really speaking it well by the time he has to leave. They were at Carlos' place, so no webcam, but they were able to see me, Lilo and Ohana. I've decided I have to go to Aggie's place and get her setup on Skype so she can get in on the action. I couldn't tell, but I think they were leaving Carlos' place today. Hard to get details it was all too hectic there.

As for me, not much going on. Hard to believe how quiet the house is without Nate and Maria. It really seems lonely. I guess that means more time for me. While it sounds exciting now, I wonder how it'll be sounding in a few weeks. Played some PS3 last night with Shawn and Jason, got a new game Marvel Ultimate Alliance, kind of like the old Gauntlet game, but with Comic heroes instead. Fun, but not to detailed. Graphics are good, and it seems to be good for blowing off steam. I think I still like Bad Company better. I'll have to re-hookup my Xbox so I can play Call of Duty 4. Had to put it in the gym for Shayne when they came to visit for New Year's.

Speaking of the gym, I guess I need to get back in there and do another run. Will also try and get some stretching in before I head out for golf today. We're playing with Shawn, Brad and Steve out at Mather. Have a 1:30 tee time. We've talked about playing somewhere tomorrow too, but no plans made as of now. I have the next three days to get stuff done.

Off to sweat...

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