Sunday, January 11, 2009

Full Day

As we wrap up our busy day, I thought I'd take a moment to discuss the highlight of Nate's day. Per my previous posts, you may have thought it was the trip to the mall, playing on the play ground, or where he begged for quarters to ride those cheesy machines out front. For those that know Maria, and her ritual with Nate at the mall, you may have though it was the Pretzel and Orange Julius (although this time it was some red drink) that Nate absolutely HAD to have. According to Maria, this is a mall ritual that occurs every time they go, if Nate's good, and I don't think Maria would ever tell him he's bad. You may also think it was the time spent at Carino's glued to his Itouch, watching Mickey Mouse ClubHouse and eating his Chicken strips while sipping on his soda water with Lime. However, that was not what captured Nate's mind all day. While we were at Costco, Nate spotted a twin size bed, actually a trundle bed, so I guess it's really two twin beds. However, this one was made up to be Disney/Pixar Car's bed. Or as Nate put's it his Ka-Chow bed. HE swears he HAS to have this bed and it will make him want to sleep in his own room. Yeah, he still likes to sleep with Baba and Daddy, and Baba is a sucker when it comes to that. So, while we put him to sleep in his room, we have anywhere from 2-4 hours before he crawls back into our bed. So as we debate the purchase of this $500 bed, I wonder how long will a three year old's promise to always sleep in his Ka-Chow bed last before he says take it back, he want's Baba and Daddy's bed.

Oh, if you're interested in seeing the bed, go to:|93|75982|56265|2212&N=4025263&Mo=38&pos=4&No=3&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=2212&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC10582-Cat56265&topnav=

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