Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Fun

Another November has come and gone.  This has become a milestone month for us as we celebrate Nate's birthday and see how quickly he is growing.  Lots to celebrate this month.
We enjoyed another fabulous Friendsgiving.  It was great to have everyone over to celebrate with us.
We made two turkey's this year.  I smoked this one, after wrapping it in bacon.  Maria made her traditional oven baked turkey.  They were both very good.  Overall, hers was a little more moist, but mine made the much better gravy.

All the beautiful ladies gathered for a photo op.  Barry was busy taking lots of different group photos.

The kids had their own table, I believe that's a requirement.  We did allow Cutter to sit at the grown up table, although we though about just letting him sit with the kids, but allowing him to drink at the kid table.

The kids get a little crazy after eating the turkey.  Seems to have a real impact on their behavior.

Nate and one of his birthday presents.  We've been gathering the gear, as we know he will be doing the Snowboard team at Northstar starting in Jan.  
Nate got boots, bindings and a board.  Couldn't wait to try them on.  Now we just need to wait for snow.
Nate took a stab at carving the tri-tip for dinner. He's getting better.  More practice at cutting his own meat.

Nate was watching a You Tube video on making Despicable Me Minion Cup Cakes.  He asked if he could bring them into his class room for his birthday celebration.  We decided to attempt to make them and then we'd see about bringing them in.
Nate got some help decorating from Charlie and Alyssa.  For me, the cupcake part was rather easy, but the cake ball that you put on top was something new.  Talk about a lot of sugar.  The premise is to grind up a cooked cake, add a tub of frosting and then shape into balls.  Then paint those balls in more frosting.  It's like twice the frosting and half the cake.
After much work, the final product.

This is what You Tube showed us as what they are "supposed" to look like.  Yep, we nailed it!

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