Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Part 2

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  Our decorations are up, but feeling more rushed than ever.  It seems the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas gets shorter each year.  Of course we didn't help that by doing our Disneyland trip with Nate AFTER Thanksgiving this year.
Maria playing with her 50MM lens, getting a shot of Nate hanging ornaments on the tree.
the Monte Carlo sandwich.  Heaven to eat.  First had this a few years ago with the Harris family when we dined at the Blue Bayou, the restaurant inside Pirates of the Caribbean.  You can also get it in New Orleans square, which is where we sat down to eat and watch the Fantasmic, the boat and light show that goes on in the water around Tom Sawyer Island.
Got a chance to watch the Pixar parade down Main Street at California Adventure.  Lots of Nate's favorite characters, I think he's watched much more Pixar movies than the traditional Disney films.
I still think California Screaming is Nate's second favorite ride.  Tower of Terror is his first choice, then a close second between Space Mountain and California Screaming.
Nate and I on the boat ride over to Tom Sawyer's Island.  Nate's first time to the Island, usually when we've gone it's been closed, too wet.  Had fun exploring the pirate's lair.  Maria still teases me, because before I went with her, it was one of the areas I didn't know, or didn't remember existed.  The other was Mr. Toad's wild ride.  I don't think that was a popular one when I went with my cousin's and dad back in the late 70's or early 80's.  
The weather was warm enough that Nate and I hopped on Splash Mountain.  We got soaked, but had enough time to dry off before night came.
Only in Disneyland does the snow smell like cinnamon.  After the fireworks show, they cover main street in artificial snow to make it a wintery delight.
The "It's a Small World Ride" all lit up for Christmas.  Of course they also change the lyrics and decorations in side, so you get to hear Merry Christmas from around the world.
Lilia offered to buy Nate a birthday present at Disneyland.  He chose the Indiana Jones package, with the Fedora and cap gun.
Natalie and Nate in the front, with Maria and I in the back.  Natalie trying to teach Nate about keeping your hands up through the entire ride.
Here we are on the new Cars ride at Disneyland CA Adventure.  While the ride was fun, the 2 hour wait in line was a bit much.  Might have to wait for this popular ride to die down before we go at it again.
After two days at Disneyland, we took Nate to his first full theater performance.  We felt the Lion King would be a blast, so Maria and I returned to the same stage where we saw it years ago, but brought Nate and Natalie.  Nate was mesmerized for most of the show, although at three hours it got to be a little long for him.  
And Christmas has arrived, the calm before the storm.  Nate got his new bike from Santa and we had a wonderful Christmas morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finish your search for rent a car jlt