Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rollins Lake

Labor day fun continued when we joined Brad and Natalie on their boat at Rollins Lake.  They invited us to give us a chance to see how Nate would do at Wakeboarding.

Here's Brad backing the boat into the water
Nate felt right at home on the boat. He was super excited to go spend the day on the lake.
Waiting for the rest of us to join them
Nate felt better with his goggles on
I liked the shot here, where you can see us in the rear view mirror

Maria tried wakeboarding again.  She got up again, and this time stayed up for awhile, really got the hang of it.
I gave it a few tries at the wake surfing

My results not quite as good as Maria's

I wanted to try the wakeboarding, but my feet are too big for the boards they brought. 

So I crashed, again.

Rollins has this area, very shallow beach area and all the boats would hang out and play their music and swim in the water.  Felt like a sort of private yacht club.  

Maria and Nate enjoying the cool water and hot sun.

Took Nate on a walk up the beach, following the river inland for a little adventure and exploration.

Nate getting some instruction on how to pop up out of the water.

Brad took several tries close to the boat so Nate could get the feel of it. 
He's all ready to go, looks like a natural.

A little more pre-work and we're ready to go.  All smiles and fun at this point, couldn't wait to get started.

This video shows Nate getting lessons from Brad on how to wake board and even getting up right on the back edge of the boat.

This is Nate's attempt at getting up.  You can see he gets up, but not for long.  He tried too quickly to turn the wakeboard and couldn't hold it.  I think a few more times and he'd get it, but we wore him out with the two tries behind the boat.

After his second attempt, he was done.  He hung on a little too long trying to get and stay up and got pulled in the water.  Said his forearms hurt and he was really sad.  Didn't want to do it anymore.  I'm still proud that he tried and he got up more than I did.  After a few hours of rest he says he's ready to try again.

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