Monday, December 20, 2010

Thanksgiving program

Nate and I after his performance in the school program for Thanksgiving.
 Thanksgiving performance at Blue Oaks Elementary school.  It started with all the kids singing some songs and a few performances by selected kids.  Then we had a big feast, featuring stone soup, amongst the more traditional foods.
The 4 Kindergarten class on stage to perform a series of songs for the parents.

Nate trying to be seen.  Since he's one of the tallest in the class, he gets put in the last row.

Nate dressed as a pilgrim.  Kids were dressed as either Pilgrims or Indians.

Getting a shot of Nate was difficult as he was usually either moving to much or hidden by the kids in front.

All the kids had these little characters that they made.  This was the one Nate made of himself.

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