Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Cal Fit in Rocklin - Water park
Had a pretty lazy & relaxing weekend to celebrate my birthday.  Friday I took Nate to the Rocklin gym and after working out, let him run around the water part.  He had a great time.  I told him that it was my birthday on Sunday, he was excited, wanted to know where we were going.  I believe he thought we'd go to a bounce house or wacky taffy.  I told him we'd be at home with a few friends and family.  He asked who, I said, Brad, Nene, Dani and he said "And Jake and Logan!" 

He'd ask me to time him as he ran around the different water features, seen here taking a break.

This has to be his favorite part of the water attraction, the big fountain out of the ground and he sits on it.

Here he has all that water shooting up his backside.
Saturday I had my second fantasy football draft.  Brad came over, we drafted, hung out with the neighbors, BBQ'd and had a good time.  Woke up Sun morning and got out for a round of golf with John and Brad, before coming back to our place to smoke some food and watch the kids play.  Nene, Dani, Brad and Maria kept me company on my quiet 38th.

Nate helping me with my birthday cake.  I turn 3 this year.

All the kids were ready to help... Eat the cake.

Even Claudia got in on the action

Nate asking for thirds.

Love the shot here of Claudia shooting Jakob.

And Jakob playing hard to get.  Claudia still giving chase.

Remember the inflatable ball from earlier this summer?  The kids do and they've added rolling on it to the fun of rolling in it.

The following morning, Nate was the one giving the lectures.

Of course his lectures usually end with the silly face.

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