Monday, August 2, 2010

Truckee River Rafting

What has become the 2nd annual Truckee River raft trip with the Green's was on 7/25.  We had a great time as usual, although the weather wasn't as nice as we thought to start the trip.

Nate and Logan begin their discussion on who gets the water gun.
Here we are about halfway down and as you can see, Jessica and the kids are trying to stay dry under the towel as it is raining pretty good.  We heard lot's of lightning and thunder on the trip.
A better view of the rain coming down
When embarking down the river, there are a few essential items to pack on the raft.  As seen here, a water gun is critical for defending yourself and getting the drop on unsuspecting ducks and fellow boaters.
Another staple on every raft trip is beer and I don't believe they allow you onto the river without at least one beer per person.
The early part of the trip was a mix of cold rain and thunder.  Lot's of kids wanting a turn with the paddle, only to drop it in the water or steer us off course and backwards into the rocks.
Nate is trying to eat his sandwich.  He was upset the rain was making it soggy, so we told him to keep the sandwich under his hat.
At the start of the trip, all the kids are so excited to get the opportunity to wear a life vest. 
That would be Mike Green on the left (x2) and Erick Johnson and Jessica.
The sun started to come out and that brought out the smiles.
After the trip is over, we had some drinks by the river and Nate ran around in the Forrest a little bit.
Logan enjoyed all the photos, especially when he had an opportunity to give Nate rabbit ears.

After the rafting, we returned with the Green's to a cabin at Northstar.  Mike BBQ'd some chicken which tasted great.  The views from the cabin were spectacular, although we didn't take any pics.  The cabin was identical in layout to the one we stayed in earlier this year when we were skiing with the Cottles.  It's the first time we've been up to Northstar when there wasn't snow on the ground.  Got to see the golf course as we drove by, had never seen any of the green's before.  Can't wait to head up again next year.

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