Thursday, August 26, 2010

August Activities

Nate, Baba & Claudia enjoying Sunday Breakfast in Old Sacramento

Our famous Sacramento bridge
Nene, Dani & Aggie invite Maria, Nate and I out to breakfast one Sunday morning.  We agreed to meet in Old Sac and have breakfast on the river.  What was a short notice for us turned into an outstanding day.  We had no plans and it was a great opportunity to get us out of the house and do something fun.
Nate and I waiting for breakfast

Here's the beautiful Claudia looking up to her hero "Daddy"

Nene enjoying the cool August morning.

Nate doing his best pose with Claudia before breakfast.

After breakfast we walked out and there was this band singing and playing. Take a seat on a hay bail and enjoy.

The kids loved it.  They even took to dancing a bit.

At the railroad museum.
Everyone else peeled off and went their separate ways.  We spent most of the day wandering the streets, looking at toys, eating some ice cream, buying candy and enjoying the Railroad museum.  All in all a great day. 

Aggie really wanted to get out to this Alpaca farm.  Maria & Nate joined her and Nate got to see, pet and feed some Alpaca's.

What would summer be without sun, friends, & ice cream.  The kids having a blast and enjoying our very mild summer.

At one point Brad came over and got a lesson on all of Nate's new iTouch games.

The other Green's came by and joined us for S'mores one night.

While we were supposed to be looking for meteorites, we didn't see any, but the S'mores made up for it.  The kids loved staying up late and getting an extra dose of sugar.

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