That water is COLD!!! |
Our week long trip to Cabo San Lucas was canceled thanks to our friends at Mexicana Airlines. We booked our tickets a few months ago through Expedia for an American Airlines flight, direct from Sac to Cabo. The flight was "operated" by Mexicana. About a month ago we decided to add a ticket for Aggie to join us, we booked the same flight on Expedia, but this time directly with Mexicana. Aggie's ticket was ~$150 cheaper, so we were looking forward to a week lounging in Cabo, with a day all setup to do some deep sea tuna fishing and snorkeling. Otherwise the trip was going to be hanging by the pool, relaxing and letting the activities of the past 2 months drift off into the sunset.
While On our Catalina Island trip, we got an email from Expedia asking us to contact them immediately. They needed to inform us that Aggie's flight had been canceled. Apparently Mexicana was having financial issues, they were striking in Mexico city and the FAA had downgraded their rating to that of a third world airline. Expedia continued to assure us that Maria, Nate and my flight was not impacted. They stuck tot he story that Mexicana only canceled Aggie's flight, and that they were operating two flights, leaving Sac and arriving in Cabo at exactly the same time. We weren't naive enough to believe Expedia, so we contacted AA, they agreed something was going on, but had not decided on a solution yet. We got confirmation 2 days before the flight, from AA, all the while Expedia continued to assure us our flight wasn't canceled. AA offered to fly us from Sac to Dallas, to Cabo and instead of a 3 hour direct flight, we could spend 9 hours in transit to our vacation, but nothing was going to happen for Aggie. We decided to go ahead and get a refund on our airfare, eat our hotel costs and check out this notion of a staycation. I took Friday off and we went up the mountain to the American River confluence (North and Middle forks). We brought Lilo and spent the day with a picnic lunch and swimming.
Here's Nate and Baba hanging out on a rock and enjoying the weather. |
Nate's becoming quite the camera man |
May be hard to see, but Lilo was not impacted by the cold water, all she wanted was that ball. |
That's my hand as I fall backwards in the water, when Nate throws the ball for Lilo right at me and Lilo jumps all eyes on the ball. |
Lilo heading down river chasing after the ball. |
And returning with her prized catch in her mouth |
Nate refilling his water gun, while Lilo returns with the ball. |
Lilo dropping the ball off, waiting for another opportunity to fetch it. |
Now the truly amazing part here is that Lilo still wanted to fetch the ball in the river. Earlier in the day, Maria decided she would send Lilo white water rafting, without a raft. She chucked the ball straight out from shore, Lilo dutifully went after it, retrieving it just fine, but wasn't fast or strong enough to avoid the rapids, Lilo goes down through the rapids disappearing out of site. I took off running to the bottom of the rapids and Lilo swims to the side and comes trotting back to Maria. But we were pretty freaked to see her head backwards down the rapids.
Nate in mid jump into the river |
splish splash, he's all wet. |
now, back to the rock for rounds 2,3,4.... |
That covered our Friday. Saturday we got up and went to the Farmer's market and got some local farm fresh produce. Then Nate and I headed over to the gym for a morning workout. We returned and had the neighbors over for some afternoon swimming. We intended to go see Despicable Me, but had to cancel after Nate threw his iTouch. We did manage to see it Sunday and enjoyed it. Typical family fun cartoon. We enjoyed a nice waffle house breakfast with Aggie before the movie and had Jake and Logan over in the afternoon to round out the day. Not the same as being in Cabo, but still a relaxing time.