Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Since Nate's birthday falls on or around Thanksgiving, we've found big parties are difficult to plan.  Combine that with his request to go to Disneyland and for his actual Birthday, we had a small party at home with family and a few of the neighbors.  Nate's favorite gift s to go play with his friends and he got lots of that.

The Martha Stewart in Maria was in full effect this year for Thanksgiving.  She made this turkey for the kids, filled with popcorn.  Regular popcorn for the "white" meat and Caramel corn for the "Dark" meat.

As expected when there are more than a couple of kids, we had a kids table.  The paper on top allowed the kids to draw all over it while eating turkey.

The children together before the big scavenger hunt.

The girls

And the guys


We had a great Thanksgiving, spending it with our friends.  Plenty of great food, drinks and conversation.  Thanks everyone for spending the day with us.

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