Friday, November 12, 2010


Trick or Treat!
Maria made what has become out traditional Halloween dish, Pastel De Choclo.  
Nene, Dani, Claudia and Ben (Not pictured) joined us.  Claudia swapped out costumes because Tinkerbell was too itchy.
Emily and Claudia all dressed up ready for a candy hunt.  Emily was nice enough to loan Claudia her costume from last year.
Nate and Logan ready to battle for the candy treasure they were set to plunder later in the evening.

Jakob proudly displaying the feather in his cap.

Jimmy ready for his trip to the moon.

Claudia bouncing and pouncing in her new costume.

All the kids gathered in Barbara's back yard for the group shot.  They were great hosts to have all the parents and kids over for a tremendous pre-trick or treat party.

The king and his maidens.

This was taken in front of "The Scary House"  Everyone has one, that house that goes all out for decorating.  They do a great job toning it down for the little ones.  Funny to see them battle their fears for that piece of candy.

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