Happy Easter!!!!

Not sure who had more fun at our Easter party. The kids who got Candy and time with the Easter bunny, or the adults who got to watch the kids and eat the food.

Nate, Jimmy & Emily, with a big bunny in the background.

Bunny holding Jake, with Jimmy showing off his egg.

Nate wasn't going to miss any egg hiding spots.

Claudia getting first digs on all those "hidden" eggs.

Jake, Nate, Claudia, Emilly & Jimmy, waiting patiently to go outside and hunt for eggs.

Nate all dressed up in his Sunday best. He wanted to wear the tie, then do his little posing for the camera.

Nate opening his Easter basket, guess who got a harmonica.

Nate coloring eggs.

So much decorating to do the night before Easter

Nate wrote his name (sort of) on his first Easter egg.

Jake, Nate, Jimmy & Emily

Easter bunny with Emily & Jimmy

Nate getting a little crazy at his preschool Easter party.

Nate with his friend Michael H, with the A on his chest.

Claudia enjoyed the egg hunt, but not the Easter bunny.

The eggs didn't have a chance with all the kids running at full steam. Nate told me he got 100 eggs.

Nate's formal Easter photo, with the bunny at the mall.
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