Monday, November 2, 2009

Sugar high

The day after Halloween was warm and beautiful. All the neighborhood kids gathered in the street to ride bikes and burn off the sugar they had been eating from their triumphs the night before.
We had all kinds of bikes, scooters, motorized vehicles to keep the kids moving.

What's important to note here is what's NOT in the photo? Can you tell?

On Nate's little bike, I took the training wheels off. He's been looking at Jake's bike which has no training wheels and begging to get his taken off. On his bike that's a little bigger, I was debating on what to do. One of the neighbors suggested that we take off 1 wheel and someone else suggested to take them both off his smaller bike. Since he can stand on the smaller bike a little easier, I thought it was a good compromise. Nate picked it up right away. Only thing he really had trouble with was starting, but once he was going, he had no problems at all.

Well, almost no problems. He still doesn't stop well, but that happened with or without the training wheels.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Nice job Nate! The fall at the end only makes you better next time.