Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Golf & Football

After the fair, I had a pretty busy week. The fair was on Sat 8/22. It started on the way to the fair, when I got a call from Brad, saying his cousin's fantasy football league had a last minute opening and asking if I wanted to get in on the action. While I got the call at 10am, the draft was for 3pm that day. I wasn't sure how I'd be able to draft since we were supposed to be at the fair. Luckily we got home by 3:15 and the draft hadn't started. I also had Shawn's league's draft that night at 7. So between the fair and two fantasy football drafts, made for a busy day.

Sunday, the HPGL team I play on had our practice round at Woodcreek. We played 18 holes in the morning. We were prepping because our team had made the finals and were set to play on Wed, but the team wanted to get in a practice round before we closed the season. I knew it was going to be a busy week, my boss and her boss were going to be in town all week for a face to face meeting, and I was leaving on Thurs for my birthday celebration in Vegas.
View from the 18th tee box at Granite Bay.

Monday, I played in the Mikuni golf tournament that was held out at Granite Bay Country club. It's the second time I've ever played there, the first was last year at the same tournament. I've played in the tournament now for about 6 years and have always had a great time. This year however, the format was significantly different. It was much less of a party atmosphere and much more focused on the golf. In years past it was a four man best ball format. This year it was a 2 man team net scramble. So the best net in your 2 man group vs the net of the other 2 man group you were paired with. Much more competitive and the price were awarded based on your performance. In years past, they had auctions and raffles and other ways to win prizes. We didn't win, but we still managed to have a good time. Maria was able to join us for dinner at Mikuni after the golf tournament.
Talk about a tough lie. My ball was plugged, nearly didn't find it, and it was right in the fairway.

Tuesday night I had the fantasy football draft for my league. So if you're keeping track, yes I'm in 3 leagues this year. Wed, we played in the HPGL finals. Unfortunately we came in 2nd of the 4 teams that made it. We made a good run at it, but fell just a few points short. I know I didn't help much as my game was really erratic. I was struggling all day. Came home, cleaned up and headed out to dinner with Mark and Mary Beth over at Mcormick and Schmitts. Good food.

Thursday, got up attended a few meetings and then packed and left for my noon flight to Vegas. More on that later.

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