Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nate's Green Thumb

Had a busy weekend. Took Friday off to get some stuff done at the courthouse, then went over to the house in Orinda to change the locks and talk to some property managers. While on the way, Sherry called and asked for a few more days to get stuff out of the house. So, the 3 weeks I've given her to get what she really wanted has turned into 6 weeks and she's taken everything that wasn't nailed down. Well, at least there's less to deal with now. We'll head down again next weekend, replace the light fixtures she took, change the locks and hopefully meet with another property manager or two. We'll also need to do some final cleanup, as there are some piles of stuff she left, that's really not worth anything. Figure it will take 2-3 weekends to get it all cleaned out and ready for market. With Easter coming up, in may make things even more delayed, we'll have to see.

Last weekend the first property manager came by to look at the place, and they were struggling. Didn't know what to make of her giant room, very difficult to market. Not many people need a football field sized room. Also commented that with the bedroom windows so high and the hallway's arrainged as they were, it feels as if a lot of the house is a basement. Dark, dank and not very inviting. Clearly work needs to be done to make it look appealing.

On Saturday, we did some errands in the morning. Went and bought all the light fixtures for the house and also got some gardening stuff from the hardware store? Spent the morning running around shopping, with the plan to catch the 2pm showing of Monster's Vs Alien's. It was the 3D showing, so we got there early, with Nate and enjoyed all the previews and ads. The movie was good, the 3D effects were great. Nate got bored about 1/2 way through. Kept wanting to go home. He was having a hard time because he didn't want to wear the 3D glasses. He said it made the picture too dark. Without them, the blurry part would get to me, and I think it got to him too. Afterwards we went to the Nugget and got some cheese, sausages, bacon wrapped scallops and various other items before heading home to hang out in our backyard snacking on the delicious food we grabbed.

Sunday, Maria went out to pick up Empenada's. MMMMM. Nate and I stayed home to plant our new garden stuff. We got 4 tomatoe plants, a lemon tree and some basil. Nate loved digging and playing in the dirt. He helped me mix it all up. We put in the drip system and got everything working again. He had a great time. One of his highlights was finding a worm. We called him wormy and I told him how important it was that we put him in the pot with the tomatoe plants and then cover him with dirt. At first Nate was scared to touch him, but didn't take long and he was OK to pick him up and carry him to the pot.

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