So I don't expect Nate to have a great grasp on time. I've gotten used to explaining to him that 2 day's from now, is a matter of two sun ups, and two sun downs. He seems to grasp this concept that as the sun goes down, he goes to bed, and it's something to help him manage the passing of time. Now when you ask Nate about something he did in the past, he always expresses it as something he did "last Night" As in, last night, he was in Chile with Salvador. Or Last night G-pa came to visit. Or last night he went to Aggie's. Well technically he went to Aggie's yesterday afternoon and was home by night, but probably the most accurate of all his descriptions. I'm not sure if it was Maria and I noticing, but he has stopped his saying "actually" in front of his answers. I guess that cuteness will be replaced by another.

Today, we went to Soda Springs again. It's a great way to spend the day with Nate. He loves playing in the snow, we had a good time. He skied again, but was a bit more hesitant today. Last time we went, we ended the day after he crashed twice. First into someone else and got a big owie and then he just fell in the snow. It didn't stop him, but this time he wanted me to go down the mountain with him, rather than like last time when he wanted to go alone. Made for a much longer day for me, running up and down the mountain. We had a great time, picked up sandwiches again, hot chocolate and enjoyed a little picnic in the snow. Only real issue was that we knew he wouldn't last too long, so we delayed in the morning and didn't get there till ~ noon. By then the place was pretty busy, where last time, we were there as they opened and had more space to ourselves. It might also have been the weather, it was a great day, although a bit breezier than before. I've got our camera fixed, so i'll try and get some of the videos posted here as well as the photos.

Coming home, Nate fell asleep, so we brought him to bed, where he continued to nap for about an hour or so. Then it was off to the spa, shower and we went and grabbed some mexican food for dinner. Nate ate all the beans, but din't touch the rice. Maria got the burrito with HOT salsa, which we love, but this time it was a little too hot. Hard to really enjoy it.

On the way there, we saw a ferris wheel lit up. Nate said he liked it. He told me it was the thing that went round and round, lit up and went night night. We'll have to check it out and see what's going on if we have time tomorrow. I'm getting up early to play some golf with John, but then we've decided to head down and see Lorraine's house. Sherry's has been busy cleaning it out, and I want to see what's left for us to do. Next Fri/Sat we intend to do some more cleanup as we get it ready to rent. If all goes well, we'd have it ready for rental by April 1, but more likely by Tax day.