Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mud Run 2014

Nate had so much fun at last year's mud run, we immediately signed him up for the next one, which took place on April 12, 2014.  This time we are all a bit more prepared on what to expect.  The best part for Nate was he had a buddy running it with him.
Nate and Caden - prerace.  Loosing the sleeves has become a tradition, despite the fact the event moved from the racetrack.
Love the camaraderie here as they are "brothers in arms" about to embark on this muddy battle with the obstacles.
The boys flexing some attitude.
One of the larger obstacles this year.  Nate's at the top on the left.  Climbed up and down without hesitation.

Here's Nate going over.
The professional shot of him climbing the rope mountain.

One of many mud pits to work through.
The new location allowed for some deeper water n mud pits.
The slide was just as fun this year, but they had two of them.  Morning light wasn't conducive to good photos.
Nate still felt the slide was the best obstacle.
Loved the splashdown.
But he really needed a hand, a clean hand to wipe the mud from his eyes.

Pure fun!

Now, this course had a lot more running, almost twice as much as the last one.  Kids didn't like that part, but Nate did a better job pacing himself through the obstacles with his buddy.

The rope swing, Nate's 2nd favorite obstacle.
And he's across!
Up and over!
It was great to see Caden overcome his fear of heights and really power through the different obstacles.  He started slow on the first of these obstacles, but by the end showed no fear.  He owned the course!
Nate, never one to miss a chance to show off for a camera.
Post race victory flex!  Can't wait to sign them up to do it again.  Truly a fun run!

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