Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bernhard Museum

Ma and Pa Kettle volunteering at Nate's 3rd grade field trip to the Bernhard Museum.
In learning about California history, the 3rd graders had an opportunity to visit the Bernhard Museum, where everyone dresses and acts like they did in the 1800's.  
We had to get costumes, so we could dress in the appropriate attire of the time.  This included the right hats, for farmers of Auburn, not cowboys.  Our lunches had to be made with same type of food they ate, no plastics, disposables etc.
Used an old wicker basket, food wrapped in wax paper and leftovers rather than sandwiches as the meal.  Sitting on the lawn in the shade under a big oak tree for our lunch.

They had a little area where the kids could try their hand at plowing.

Although most of the kids, including Nate,didn't really dig it into the dirt, instead racing around the little plot of dirt.

Here's Nate in his costume.  He didn't like the felt hat, but otherwise was fine in the clothes, despite the heat.

The kids rotated through different stations. Adult volunteers helped man each station.  I was assigned the woodworking station.  The kids built peach crates.  

Maria was assigned to work the laundry station.

All the parents, in costume, watching the kids get their picture taken.

The kids all lined up on the porch, ready for their photograph.

Nate playing his part.

Family photo, all in costume.

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