Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sept 2014

Loon lake camp trip with the Dyke's.

Nate enjoying a beer before fishing gets into high gear.

While Nate had done some fishing at a local fishery, this was his first real attempt in the mountains.  He did great.

Here's Nate reeling in his first fish,  

Nate enjoying his prize, a nice rainbow trout.

All the kids got fish, enjoyed the opportunity to try both shore and lake fishing with the Dyke family.

I'll certainly remember our first trip to Loon Lake.  Too bad it was engulfed in flames a few weeks later and it might be years before we get a chance to go back.

Den 5 took the boys to Empire Mine State park, to help with their Geology badges.  

The camera doesn't do the down slope justice here.

The cart, the boys are sitting on is what the miners used to ride down the shaft (pictured above) to get to the min part of the mine.  This helps show the angle they went down.  That's some scary work.

Here's where the people who owned the mine lived.  Very different conditions than those folks who worked over a mile below ground.