Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Labor Day Weekend, Casa Verde hosted a rather large village party.  It started on Thursday when the LA crew began arriving and lasted till Tuesday morning when they left.  Lot's of fun, sun, friends and even a few cocktails.
Maria, Sylvia and Lilia enjoying the pool

The girls and Brad relaxing

Poolside.  Mixed weather for the weekend.  Started hot and got cooler as the weekend went on.  

At times we brought the party indoors, but it didn't dampen our spirits, or water down our drinks!

Natalie was kind enough to actually remember my Birthday, so we included a little celebration for me in the mix as well.

We broke out the volleyball net and even managed to get in a few games betweent he jumping kids.

The smoker was going most of the weekend.  The Jalapeno poppers were a big hit as usual.

Here I am bringing Maria into the pool

This makes me nervous.  The height that Brian is throwing Wyatt seems crazy.  At least Brian is walking on water, so we know he must be able to handle it.

With all the pushing and shoving going on, I had to carry Brad into the pool. 
Mike brought over the Cornhole set.  Big hit.  I might have to make me a set for future parties.

Of course, after a weekend of activities, we were exhausted and needed to take some time off to recuperate.