Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nate's Communion

Nate, his godparents and parents ready for his first communion

Prior to the communion, we asked Barry to come take some photos of Nate at the church
We really like the way these came out.  Great background with the church and the clouds.  the cross looks like it's right on Nate's head.
This one shows Nate with a little more swag.  
This photo captures Nate's personality really well.  Love the laugh, as he's always playing and having a good time.
A bit more traditional with the rosary here.  A note on the rosary, it was actually given to me as a gift from my coworkers in Puerto Rico.  

Nate taking his first communion with the priest.

After the ceremony, the priest stopped to take some photos with the kids

Nate and his godparents, John and Lilia.

Friday, April 12, 2013

USS Hornet Overnight

Nate and Wyatt joined Pack 1592 for an overnight on the USS Hornet in Alameda.

Brian and I drove the boys down, complete with sleeping bags and bathroom kit.  Neither of us knew much on the history of the ship.  It played a prominent roll in the NASA program.

Nate, by the entrance ready and willing as always.

The Hornet is an aircraft carrier.  They have lots of planes from different eras on display.  Can't go in them, but cool to look at them and learn the history.

Our sleeping arrangements.  Just like the sailors back when it was running.  Bunk cots.  Actually more comfortable than I thought they's be, but tight quarters.  

Brian, Aaron and Ben along with Wyatt and Nate.  The boys super excited about picking their bunk.  Nate started out wanting the top bunk, but later decided he'd better have the bottom in case he rolled out and fell to the ground.

One of the Apollo modules that was recovered by the Hornet as part of the NASA program.

Looking inside the Apollo unit, it's hard to imagine three people fit inside and rode this thing to the moon.  Those are some tight quarters.  

The top deck.  Cool to see the launch and catch wiring for planes taking off and landing.

Sunset in Alameda is a great time.

Hope that's not a live torpedo, the boys wanted to play on it.
Reminds me of that Stanley Kubrick film.

Another view of the bunks.  Note this ship is one of the most haunted.  Even featured on an episode of ghost hunters.  They took us up to the front of the ship tot ell ghost stories, but it was all a bit too scary so we called it early.

If you do take part in the overnight, it's mandatory that you take a shift helping with meals, serving, cleaning, breakfast or dinner.  Nate and the pack had morning breakfast duties and they hopped right in to help hand out the food.  All in all one of the better pack activities we've done.  Something I would have never thought to do.