We're at it again. On another vacation, hooking up with friends while we're out and about. This time, the Horne's happened to be in Hawaii the same time we were. We got together a few times for dinner and drinks, but the highlight had to be this boat ride. The seven of us got paid for a spot on this snorkel trip, leaving from the north shore. It turned out to be a sort of private cruise after no one else booked the trip. While the captain acted in traditional Hawaii style, showing up late, forgetting lunch etc, her made up for it with some spectacular scenery.

We got to see Dolphins. In fact Rob caught a video that's available on You Tube from our trip. Check it out at

The kids, Sarah, Zack and Nate ready to head out to sea.

The Horne family, Tiffany, Sarah, Zach and Rob.

A starfish brought p by our snorkeling companion.

Rob doing a little free diving.

We saw several turtles. Great to see them swimming so free.

Another turtle.

That's me taking a dip under water.

Zach, with a little Shaka brother for the camera.

Nate and Sarah, preparing to dance on the net.

Rob and Tiff, with the "Lost"beach int he background. The last few years they've moved production of lost to this beach and it's been filming there, although they just wrapped up the final episode.

Maria and I enjoying the day, just wish we had a cocktail to go with it.

Rob and I hanging out with the kids, relaxing on the netting.

Captain Nate, steering us back to shore. Good thing there's nothing for us to crash into as his attention span doesn't last too long, he's running from the front to the back of the boat.

Nate hanging out with Baba on the top of the boat. Not too happy about having to be in one place for more than a minute.

After the boat ride, we went to Breaker's for lunch. While waiting for his food, Nate fell asleep. Then Zach took his iTouch. Nate didn't even miss it. Nate's been a bit sick this trip. Runny nose and all. Took him to the Dr. the following day and they gave him some antibiotics to help with the ear & sinus infections.

Here we are walking through the Dole pineapple maze. Nate forced to wear Baba's hat and not too happy about it.

The kids ready to set a new record going through the maze. I think we made it in ~45 minutes this time.